Banana, vital food source, faces insect threats impacting yield. Farmers resort to insecticides, risking harm and resistance. Opting for natural enemies offers safer, sustainable pest control.
Scientific name:Cosmopolites sordidus
Pest that affect Banana
Rhizome weevil
SymptomsRhizome tunnels by grubs kill plants; outer leaves wither, stems die before opening. Indicate significant damage to banana plants.
Scientific name:Odoiporus longicollis
Pseudostem Weevil
SymptomsGrubs create tunnels in pseudostems, causing wilting. Holes appear outside, with sap and blackened mass from bore holes as initial signs of damage.
Scientific name:Pentalonia nigronervosa f. Typical
Banana aphid
SymptomsPlants fail to produce bunches, showing rosette-like tops, stunted growth, and curled leaves. They act as vectors for bunchy top disease, with insects found on leaves and pseudostems.
To Know About Organic Products that helps For Banana Pest Management, Swipe Right
Why Pick This Product?
Effective against worms. Soil spraying controls insects, boosts plant resistance, and improves fertility.