Paddy Pests: Causes of Yield Loss and Reduced Crop Quality
An estimated average of about 22% of yield loss in paddy is due to insect pest infestation. These includes Brown Plant Hopper, Leaf folder and Stem borer
Feed on paddy tillers and causes ‘Dead heart’ or ‘Drying up’ symptom
Major pests of paddy
Rice Stem Borer
Hopper burn causes affected rice plants to dry up with a scorched appearance. Sooty mold develops at the base due to honeydew secretion
Brown Plant Hopper (BPH)
* Larva folds the leaves and remains inside* Transparent longitudinal whitish streaks on leaves due to leaf scraped by larvae
Rice Leaf Folder
* Affected plants’ leaves start yellowing from the tip downwards* Causes ‘hopper burn’ symptom
Green Leaf Hopper
* Larva folds the leaves and remains inside* Transparent longitudinal whitish streaks on leaves due to leaf scraped by larvae
Rice Gundi Bug
* Silvery streaks on damaged leaves* Leaves curl from the margin towards the middle
Rice Thrips
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