Explore About Multipurpose Mulberry Cultivation 

Mulberry cultivation is essential for sericulture (silk production). Mulberry leaves significantly affect the quality and quantity of silk produced by silkworms.

1. Selection of Varieties:

Description for mulberry cultivation:

Mulberries are cultivated in various varieties depending on climate, soil conditions and intended use (fruit production or silkworm rearing).

2. Climate and Soil Requirements:

Mulberries thrive in temperate to subtropical climates and soils that are fertile and slightly acidic, with good water retention.

3. Propagation:

Mulberries are propagated through seeds, cuttings, or grafting

4. Planting:

 Planting is usually done at the beginning of the rainy season or during spring.

5. Irrigation:

Drip irrigation or sprinkler systems are often used to maintain soil moisture levels.

6. Training and Pruning:

Regular pruning helps in shaping the tree, promoting air circulation, and enhancing fruit quality.

7. Harvesting:

For the silkworm rearing the leaves are harvested at maturity stage and for fruit purpose harvested when the fruits are ripe

Mulberry cultivation provides economic benefits through fruit sales, silkworm rearing for silk production.


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