Top 5 Paddy growing states in India

Rice is crucial for many in India, especially in rural areas and among lower income groups providing essential calories and nutrition as a staple food

1. Telangana:

Here are the Top 5 Paddy growing states in India in 2023-24:

It ranks in first position, contributing 12 % of national production with 166.31 lakh metric tonnes.

2. Uttar Pradesh:

UP accounts for 11.5 % of total national production of rice  with 157.22 lakh metric tonnes.

3. West Bengal:

West Bengal holds the third position, which accounts around 11% of national production with 151.18 lakh metric tonnes.

4. Punjab:

Punjab contributes over 10.5% of the national rice output, with average production of 143.90 lakh metric tonnes.

5. Odisha:

Odisha occupies 5th position contributing about 7.4% of the total rice production, with average of 101.30 lakh metric tonnes

These states contribute significantly to India's rice production, supporting food security and economic livelihoods across the country.


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