Top 5 Exotic Fruits You Must Try for Unique Flavors

Exotic fruit which means they are not native to India and are imported from other countries for consumption

1. Peach :

Some of the exotic fruits are:

Peach fruit flesh is yellow or white and is characterized by a sweet, slightly tart flavor and are a good source of vitamins A and C as well as dietary fiber

2. Pear :

Pear is a sweet, juicy fruit known for its distinctive bell shape and smooth skin,  flesh is soft and creamy, with a mild, sweet flavor that can vary from crisp to buttery.

3. Persimmons:

Persimmons are sweet, orange fruits that resemble tomatoes but are usually more rounded. The flesh is smooth and custard-like, with a flavor that can range from honey-like to mildly tangy

4. Longan:

Longan is a tropical fruit which has a brown, leathery skin that is easily peeled away to reveal the white, gelatinous fruit inside, which encases a shiny black seed.

5. Durian:

Durian has a spiky, thick shell that encases creamy, custard-like flesh, which can range in color from pale yellow to deep gold.

Exotic fruits offer a delightful journey into diverse flavors, textures, and aromas that can elevate any culinary experience


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