5 Simple Steps for Urban Composting

Compost is an organic matter that has been biologically decomposed and stabilized through heat generation to benefit plant growth.

STEP 1: Find your ideal spot.

Select a dry shady area that is close enough to your garden.

STEP 2: Build your pile.

Take a simple bin, add alternate layers of dried waste and fresh waste in 4:1 ratio.

STEP 3: Mix often and Keep it moist.

Mix it thoroughly twice a  week and sprinkle water if you notice the pile is dry to keep it moist.

STEP 4: Cover to retain heat, moisture and nutrients.

Cover the pile with a tarp or any covering material to prevent nutrient loss in  case it rains.

STEP 5: Begin using the compost.

In 8-10 weeks, when the compost is brown and crumbly, harvest it and start adding to your yard.

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