Conquer Black Thrips in Chilli: Boost Your Crop Yields

Black thrips are tiny, dark-colored insects that feed on chilli plants, causing damage by sucking sap and transmitting viral diseases.

What is Black Thrips?

Black thrips can severely damage chilli crops, leading to significant yield losses. Effective management practices are crucial to protect your harvest.

Cultural Practices: Maintain weed-free fields and avoid excess nitrogen fertilizers to reduce thrips' habitat and food sources.

Neem Oil Application: Use neem oil sprays as a natural insecticide to repel and kill black thrips without harming beneficial insects.

Intercropping: Plant companion crops like garlic or onions that repel thrips, reducing their impact on chilli plants.

Crop Rotation: Avoid planting chilli in the same field consecutively; rotate with non-host crops to break the thrips' life cycle.

Proper Spacing: Ensure proper plant spacing to improve air circulation, making the environment less favorable for thrips.

Biological Control: Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings to help control thrips naturally.

Sanitation: Remove and destroy infested plant debris immediately to prevent thrips from spreading to healthy plants.

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