A Guide to Common Potato Diseases and Their Management

Potato crops are vital to global agriculture, but they face numerous threats from various diseases, maintaining them is crucial for productive fields.

1. Early Blight

Caused by:  Alternaria solani, present as dark spots on leaves. Control: Use resistant varieties, apply fungicides, and practice crop rotation.

2. Late Blight

Caused by: Phytophthora infestans, causes water-soaked lesions on leaves and tubers. Control: Ensure proper field drainage and apply fungicides.

3. Potato Scab

Caused by: Streptomyces bacteria, results in rough lesions on tubers. Control: Maintain soil pH below 5.2 and avoid planting in infected soil.

4. Blackleg

Caused by: Pectobacterium, leads to blackened stems and rotting tubers. Control: Ensure good drainage, and avoid mechanical damage to plants.

5. Viral diseases

Caused by: mottling and distortion of leaves. Control: Use virus-free tubers, control aphid populations, and remove infected plants.

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