Monsoon Plantation Success: How to Prepare Your Soil

The monsoon season, with its abundant rainfall, is perfect for planting. Proper soil preparation for plantation is essential for healthy plant growth.

1. Clear the Field

Remove any weeds and debris from the field. This helps to prevent pests and diseases from carrying over to the new planting season.

2. Soil Testing

Conduct a soil test to determine pH and nutrient levels. Amend the soil based on test results to create a favourable growing conditions.

3. Add Organic Matter

Incorporate compost or well-rotted manure into the soil, which improves soil structure, fertility, and water-holding capacity.

4. Use Raised Beds

Raised beds can help improve drainage and prevent waterlogging. They also make it easier to manage soil quality and fertility.

5. Mulching

Mulching is a novel technique which is used to retain soil moisture, suppress weeds and prevent soil erosion during heavy rains.

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