Symptoms and Management of Powdery Mildew in Chilli

Powdery mildew is a fungus causing white, powdery spots on plant surfaces. It can weaken and stunt chilli plants, affecting their overall health.

Symptom 1

It begins as powdery growth on the upper leaf surface, initially observed on older leaves which on severity spreads to lower surfaces.

Symptom 2

Leaves may turn yellow and drop. At severity, it results in reduced plant growth with poor fruit production leading to reduced plant health.

Management methods

1. Remove excess foliage to improve aeration which reduces humidity in plants and keeps in check the spread of disease.

2. Avoid sprinkler irrigation and prevent the spread of disease. Regularly check plants for early signs of powdery mildew to manage it effectively.

3. Spray with Nagarjuna Index at 1gm /L of water or Merivon at 80-100 ml/ 200 L of water as a foliar spray.


Effectively manage powdery mildew by preventive and curative measures and enjoy disease-free chilli plants with improved yield.

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