Five Natural Remedies to Control Aphids on Rose Plants
There are many ways to control Aphids without using dangerous chemicals in your garden. Here are a few methods for natural aphid control in roses
Spray aphids off plants with a strong stream of water. It may not be a good choice for younger plants as it may damage the plant.
1. Water
Use garden gloves and remove them from stems, leaves, flower buds, or wherever you see them
2. Remove by Hand
Make a homemade aphid spray by mixing a few tablespoons of pure liquid soap in water. Apply the mixture by spraying it to the plant.
3. Soap and Water
Organic compounds in neem oil act as a repellent for aphids. Use a ready-to-use neem oil spray and spray the affected areas in the plant.
4. Neem Oil
Mix 4-5 drops each of peppermint, clove, rosemary, and thyme oils with water to create a natural spray to control aphids in roses.
5. Essential Oils
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