Benefits of Drip Irrigation for Small Farmers in India

Drip irrigation is watering plants by delivering water slowly to their roots. Let us explore some benefits of Drip irrigation for small farmers in India

Drip irrigation eliminates run-off losses and saves a lot of water as the water does not flow on the soil surface.

Water Saving

Drip irrigation allows efficient use of water, which lowers the soil moisture stress, thus improving plant growth and yield

Better Growth and Yield

This system requires labour only to switch the system on or off. Hence, reducing the labour cost to a great extent.

Low Labour Cost

Due to the partial wetting of soil in drip irrigation, weed infestation is less than in other irrigation methods.

Weed Control

Since water does not flow on the land surface, there is no soil erosion due to drip irrigation

Zero Soil Erosion

Due to low atmospheric humidity, minimum disease and pest problems are observed

Minimal Disease and Pest Problems