Find Out 9 Best Low-Light Indoor Plants For Your Home

Does your home lack sunlight and you love indoor plants? Find out some low-light indoor plants that dont need bright, direct sunlight

Grown in either water or soil, lucky bamboo plants thrive in nearly full-shade locations. It is extremely easy to maintain

1. Lucky Bamboo

Spider plant is one of the most adaptable and easy to grow low light houseplant. It can be gorwn as handing or trailing plants.

2. Spider Plant

Pothos thrive in conditions where almost no other plants grow, including very low light, and requires very little watering

3. Pothos

Snake plant is one of the best low-light indoor plants you can grow. It is very attractive and has air-purifying properties

4. Snake Plant

This plant offers a beautiftl trailing effect of small green leaves. It thrives in indirect light.

5. English Ivy

Cast iron plants have a well-deserved reputation as being indestructible houseplant. This plant tolerates lack of light and water

6. Cast Iron Plant

Peace lilies are popular low-light indoor plant, but they consistently need moist soil and can be toxic to pets

7. Peace Lily

It is a popular low-light indoor plant that adds greenery to a space. They like warm, humid environment

8. Maidenhair Fern

ZZ plant is a low-maintenance houseplant that survives even without natural sunlight.

9. ZZ Plant