
Weed Management During Flowering And Fruiting Stage In Tomato Crop

During the flowering and fruiting stages of tomato crops, the presence of weeds can be detrimental to their growth and yield. Competing for sunlight, nutrients, and water, these invasive plants can hinder the development of tomatoes, leading to poor growth or even failure. Therefore, effective weed management strategies are crucial to ensure a successful tomato harvest.  

In this article, we will discuss some common weed types that affect tomato plants during flowering and fruiting stages and recommendations to effectively manage them.  

Types of Weeds

In tomato fields, two common types of weeds are generally found: 

  • Broad-leaved weeds
  • Grassy weeds

Broad-leaved weeds: These weeds typically have smaller and wider leaves compared to other types. These plants compete directly with tomato plants for essential resources. 

Grassy weeds: As the name suggests, grassy weeds have longer and narrower leaves resembling grasses. 

Impact of Weeds

  • Weeds compete with tomato plants for essential resources such as sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and nutrients.
  • Weeds can also serve as hosts for pests and diseases that can further impact the main crop.
  • They not only harm crop productivity but also have adverse effects on the environment. When left uncontrolled, weeds can disrupt native habitats and threaten the survival of indigenous plants and animals.

Factors that influence crop loss due to weeds

  • Emergence of weeds
  • Number of weeds
  • Types of weeds

Weed Management Strategies

To mitigate the adverse effect of weeds on your tomato plants, effective weed removal methods can be employed. The two common approaches are using manual weeders and chemical control via herbicides. 

Manual Weeders

Manual weeding is one method to remove weeds from tomato plants. Manual weeders are the tools that allow farmers to manually pull-out weeds from the ground. This method is suitable for those who prefer not to use herbicides or have limited access to them. Manual weeders are also favored in organic farming practices.  

Chemical Control with Herbicides

Herbicides are chemical substances specifically designed to control or eliminate weeds. Selective herbicides are commonly used in tomato fields to target specific types of weeds while minimizing damage to the crop. Two recommended herbicides for weed control in tomato crops are Targa Super and Oxykill.  

Targa Super Herbicide

  • Technical Content: Quizalofop Ethy 5% EC
  • It is a post emergent, selective and systemic herbicide effective against narrow-leaved and grassy weeds.
  • Dosage: 300 to 400 ml per acre for grassy weeds.

Oxykill Herbicide

  • Technical Content: Oxyfluorfen 23.5% EC
  • It is a targeted post-emergence herbicide designed for broad-leaved weeds.
  • Dosage: 400 ml per acre for broad-leaved weeds.

Note: While herbicides are valuable weed management tools, cautious application is vital to protect your tomato plants. Always follow the instructions to ensure the safe and effective use of herbicides. Incorrect usage can harm your tomato plants and compromise their overall health. 


Weeds pose a significant threat to tomato crops during the flowering and fruiting stage. Implementing effective weed management is essential to minimize resource competition, reduce the risk of pest and disease infestations and ensure a successful harvest. Remember, maintaining a weed free environment is crucial for fruitful tomato harvest.  

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