
Defeating Rose Thrips: A Guide For Successful Management

Thrips are considered to be one of the most important insect pests on roses. They are the tiny insects which feed on the sap of the rose plants which results in discoloration and stunted growth. The injury caused by thrips reduces the aesthetic value of rose blooms and makes them unmarketable. They can be identified by their narrow, elongated body and fringed wings. Hot and dry conditions favor the growth and development of thrips.  

Type of Infestation

Thrips suck the sap from the leaves, and they are a type of flower feeder, meaning they feed on the flowers of rose plants, causing damage and leading to reduced yields and quality.  

Scientific Name: Rhipiphorothrips cruentatus 

Most Affected States

Thrips infestations have been reported in several states across India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.  

Symptoms of Rose Thrips

  • Both nymph and adult lacerate the tissues on the underside of the leaves and flower buds.
  • White color streaks can be seen on the infested leaves.
  • The presence of brown patches on the leaves, along with distortion and eventual withering and dropping, is also indicative of infestation by thrips.
  • Additionally, affected flowers may not fully open, and they may fade and fall prematurely.

Control Measures

A combination of different control measures is often important to effectively manage thrips infestation in rose crops. The following are some of the commonly used IPM practices for controlling rose thrips. 

Cultural Measures

  • Remove and dispose of any damaged leaves, twigs and flower buds along with the pests to prevent further infestation and damage.
  • Avoid using excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers, as this can lead to succulent growth which encourages thrips population.
  • Maintaining healthy plant growth, providing proper irrigation and adequate nutrients can also help to reduce the impact of thrips on rose crops.

Mechanical Measures

  • Collection and destruction of infested plant parts is an effective way to control rose thrips.
  • Regular pruning also helps to reduce thrips population and prevent further damage to crops.
  • Tapas Yellow Sticky Trap can be used to control thrips in rose field. Install 4-6 traps per acre for effective management.

Biological Measures

  • Release beneficial insects such as green lacewings, predatory mites and parasitic wasps to control thrips populations in rose field.
  • Ecotin Insecticide is a neem based biological insecticide containing azadirachtin which is effective against rose thrips. The recommended dosage is 0.4 – 0.7 ml per liter of water. In order to effectively control thrips, spray the mixture regularly at 7-10 days intervals.
  • Kaybee Thrips Raze Insecticide contains natural plant extracts which when sprayed affects the internal nervous system of thrips, leading to paralysis and death. The recommended dosage is 1-2ml per liter of water.
  • Amruth Almax Liquid is a biological insecticide containing naturally occurring entomo pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana which comes in contact with the cuticle of the target insect and kills them. The recommended dosage is 2-3ml per liter of water.

Chemical Measures

Chemical measures, such as the application of insecticides, can be effective in controlling thrips populations in rose crops. Some of the commercially available insecticides for thrips control include, 

Product Name Technical Content Dosage
Tafgor Insecticide Dimethoate 30% EC 1.5 – 2.5ml/lit of water
Confidor Insecticide Imidacloprid 17.8% SC 0.75-1 ml/lit of water
Actara Insecticide Thiamethoxam 25 % WG 0.5 gm/lit of water
Benevia Insecticide Cyantraniliprole 10.26% OD 1.7-2 ml/lit of water
Keefun Insecticide Tolfenpyrad 15% EC 1.5-2 ml/lit of water
Delegate Insecticide Spinetoram 11.7% SC 0.9 ml/lit of water
Anshul Ikon Insecticide Acetamiprid 20% S.P 0.5 gm/lit of water
Tracer Insecticide Spinosad 44.03% SC 0.3-0.4 ml/lit of water


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