
Diseases Management in Maize Crop using UAL Organic Based Products

Maize is a major cereal crop that feeds and supports many people in developing countries like India. However, it suffers from many diseases that need pest control. Conventional pesticides are harmful to humans, the environment, and can lose their effectiveness over time. Biopesticides are eco-friendly and can control the diseases well. They are better than conventional chemicals for disease management.

List of Diseases

  1. Downy mildew
  2. Rust
  3. Leaf Blight
  4. Charcoal rot

1. Downy mildew

Scientific name: Peranosclerospora sorghi

Most Affected Plant Part: Leaves and cobs

Symptoms of Downy mildew:

  • Systemic infection, such as chlorosis, shows within 10–14 days.
  • Typically, leaves are more upright and thinner.
  • Early-infected plants often die within four weeks after infection.
  • Initially half of the lower surface in chlorosis
  • Later on, chlorosis progressively covers the entire leaf surface.
  • In humid, warm temperatures, the bottom leaf surface exhibits a white, downy growth.
  • Plants with systemic infection do not produce cob, and when they do, the cobs are little and poorly filled with grains, this looks like bushy top this gives disease name “Crazy Top”

Control Measures (Biological)


Prophylactic Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of sprays Spray intervals Method of application
Zymo ThymoxZymo Max Spread 1- 2 gm+0.10 ml 1-2 3 -5 weeks Foliar spray


Curative Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of treatment Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo Thymox Zymo Max Spread 1-2 gm + 0.10 ml 2 -3 5 -7 days Foliar spray

2. Rust

Scientific name: Puccinia sorghi

Most Affected Plant Part: Leaves

Symptoms of Rust:

  • Initially, on both sides of the leaves can see tiny chlorotic spots.
  • Round to elongated, erupted, reddish-brown uredo pustules on both lower leaf surfaces
  • When the crop matures, brownish-black pustules appear.
  • When an infection is serious, leaves start drying and defoliating and it might spread to the sheath and other areas.

Control Measures (Biological)


Prophylactic Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of sprays Spray intervals Method of application
Zymo ThymoxZymo Max Spread 1- 2 gm+0.10 ml 1-2 3 -5 weeks Foliar spray


Curative Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of treatment Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo Bioguard WLT6040+ Xymo Thymox Zymo Max Spread 1 gm+ 1-2 gm + 0.10 ml 2 -3 5 -7 days Foliar spray
Xymo Biofert + Zymo Max Spread 2-4 ml + 0. 10 ml 2-3 5 -7 days Foliar spray

3. Leaf Blight

A. Southern leaf spot/ Maydis leaf blight

Scientific name: Cochliobolus heterostrophus

Most Affected Plant Part: Leaves

Symptoms of Southern leaf spot, maydis leaf blight:

  • Initially, on the lower leaves, the spots develop from oval to rectangular, up to 2.5 cm long and 2–6 mm wide, while still being confined by the veins in the leaves.
  • The spots are light brown at the center with a darker brown border.
  • Spots larger and coalesce, leaves dry out and die.

B. Turcicum blight

Scientific name: Exserohilum  turcicum & Helminthosporium maydis

Most Affected Plant Part: Leaves

Symptoms of Turcicum Blight:

  • Gray-green to tan-colored, long, cigar-shaped lesions on lower leaves.
  • Tan lesions range in size from 1 to 6 inches and are slender and oval, tapering at the ends.
  • Lesions cover the leaf when they merge and progress parallelly to the leaf margins.
  • On the lower portion of the leaf, spores are formed.
  • Fungus produces dusty black or green spores below the lesions
  • The leaves turn brittle and grayish-green, looking like they’ve been frozen.

Control Measures (Biological)


Prophylactic Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of sprays Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo BLT100 + Zymo Max Spread 2 gm+0.10 ml 1-2 3 -5 weeks Foliar spray


Curative Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of treatment Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo BLT100 +Zymo Bioguard WLT6040 + Xymo Biologique 2 gm+ 1 gm + 2 -3 gm 2 -3 5 -7 days Foliar spray

4. Charcoal rot

Scientific name: Macrophomina phaseolina

Most Affected Plant Part: Leaves and Stacks

Symptoms of Charcoal rot:

  • There are signs of wilting in plants.
  • When the plants reach maturity, the fungus spreads into the stalk’s lower internodes, resulting in early ripening, splitting, and shredding at the crown region
  • The affected plant’s stalk has a streak of grayish color.
  • The pith shreds and tiny, gray-black sclerotia appear on the vascular bundles.
  • Sometimes, stalks break at the crown due to internal shredding.

Control Measures (Biological)


Prophylactic Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of sprays Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo Bioguard WLT6040+ Zymo Max Spread 2 gm+ 2 gm+0.10 ml 1-2 3 -5 weeks Foliar spray


Curative Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of treatment Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo BLT100 +Zymo Bioguard WLT6040 + Xymo Biologique 2 gm+ 1 gm + 2 -3 gm 2 -3 5 -7 days Foliar spray


Using conventional pesticides can harm the environment, human health, and beneficial organisms, and also reduce their effectiveness over time due to disease resistance. To protect crops from diseases and pests, it is better to use eco-friendly biopesticides that are derived from natural sources. They can be used along with a spreader and a micronutrient to improve their coverage and plant health.

UAL offers a range of organic products that are suitable for different crops.

  1.   Zymo Biologique
  2.   Xymo BLT100
  3.     Xymo Bioguard WLT6040
  4.     Xymo Thymox
  5.     Xymo Biofert
  6.     Zymo Max Spread

1. Zymo Biologique: This is available in powder form and it contains Organominerals, Macronutrients, Stabilizer.

  • It can increase the fertility of the soil. This is recommended for all crops.
  • Bio organic extracts and natural minerals present in it are used in combinations to help in controlling plant fungus and improve immunity of the plant to fight against rust disease as well as act as plant food nutrients with zero plant residues.
  • Zymo Biologique + Zymo Max Spread as prophylactic against Downy mildew and Rust whereas Zymo BThis is a broad spectrum bio-agents.
  • Biologique + Xymo BLT 100 + Zymo Max Spread are applied as curative for the same disease.
  1. Xymo BLT100: This is available in powder form and it contains NON-GMO biologicals, lysing biocatalysts, stabilizers and bio-enhancers.
  1. Zymo Bioguard WLT6040: The product is available in powder form and it contains NON-GMO Biologicals, Proteolytic Biocatalysts, Stabilizers, Bioenhancers.
  • This is recommended for Fusarium wilt of sugarcane, at the rate of 2g/lit.
  • Increases Soil Microbial Activity, proliferates good soil aerobic microbes in root zone with adequate nutrients & denies food for anaerobic pathogens finally induces SAR.
  • Soil drench with Zymo Bioguard WLT6040Zymo Biologique+ Zymo Max Spread can manage rust and Charcoal rot disease in a curative way. repeat the spray at a 5-7 days interval if necessary.
  • Zymo Bioguard WLT6040 alone can manage charcoal rot before incidence of disease. Recommended dose is 2g/lit.
  1. Zymo Thymox :It is a concentrated broad spectrum organic fungi & bacteria controlling agent.
  • Product contains a selective combination of Botanical extracts concentrate, Plant oils, Stabilizers & Excipients.
  • Zymo Thymox and Zymo max Spread is sprayed against DM and rust as a prophylactic measure, if disease is severe spray another time as 3-4 weeks interval. Xymo Biologique + Zymo Thymox + Zymo Max spread is applied as a curative for the DM disease. If the diseases are in a severe stage take Second spray at an interval of 5-7 days @  1 to 2 ml/lit
  1. Xymo BiofertThis is a micronutrient which is available in powder form. The Product contains Biostimulants, Soil Conditioners, Bio-based Minerals.
  • Major benefits of Xymo Biofert are, it maximizes seed germination & growth,  improves soil health by increasing phosphorus absorption and adsorbing and storing potassium ions.
  • This also Stimulates growth and proliferation of desirable soil microbes, algae and yeast.
  • Xymo Bio Fert + Xymo Biotoniq is recommended for all crops and in maize it is recommended dose is 2-4 kg/acre, which is sprayed against Blights and Charcoal rot of Maize
  1. Zymo Max Spread: This is available in liquid form, which is helpful for uniform spreading of biopesticide on sprayed area and is a Non-ionic organosilicone & excipient.
  • This can also be used for all crops. It breaks down the surface tension of water and increases the wetting and spreading of a spray solution.
  • Zymo Max Spread can be used Downy Mildew, Rust and Blights of Maize at rate of 0.10 ml/lit

Certification: UAL is a visionary and mission-driven company that aims to be among the most admired global organizations by providing eco-sustainable bio-solutions for its target sectors through innovation, imagination, and differentiated customer service. UAL manufactures and markets organic bio-solutions under the brand names ZYMO® and XYMO® series, which are certified by various international and national standards for organic agriculture, such as OMRI, ECOCERT, EU, JAS, NOP, and NPOP. These certifications ensure that UAL products are safe, natural, and eco-friendly, and meet the stringent requirements of organic farming.

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