Geolife Carbon Stone: Boosts soybean growth, enhances yield, and enriches soil fertility sustainably
Carbon Stone is a crop nutrition product, which is an organic stone-like carbon product extracted through proprietary Microbial Extraction Technology, containing activated carbon. The good carbon level in soil is about 0.5-3%, but in the last 70 years, Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) level in India has decreased from 1% to 0.3%. Over the concern, application of external carbon is necessary to improve rhizospheric soil fertility, promoting water-holding capacity, aeration, and nutrient availability for improved growth and yield of soybean and many other crops. It also provides a habitat for beneficial soil microbes, which can aid in nutrient cycling and improve overall soil health. This article gives a complete knowledge about carbon stone, its application and benefits on soybean crops.
Throughout their life cycle, soybeans go through different growth stages, and each one has its unique requirements for optimal crop health and productivity. To maximize yields, farmers must apply appropriate crop nutrition from vegetative to harvesting crop stage.
Carbon stone enhances seed germination by maintaining a stable environment, retaining moisture and nutrients around the seeds. It also supports beneficial microbial communities, leading to better flower sets and increased crop yield.
The soybean growth stage from seed germination to flower and pod production is critical for the plant’s development. During this period, the primary root emerges from the seed, pulling the cotyledons to the soil surface. Cotyledons supply nutrients for the plant for 7 to 10 days after emergence and losing one cotyledon during this time can impact overall plant growth.
After 7-10 days of sowing, apply Carbon stone crop nutrition to the soybean crop. This leads to cotyledon emergence, followed by the appearance of first and second trifoliate leaves. The plant reaches a length of 6-8 inches and begins nitrogen fixation.
This stage is characterized by development of purple flowers, pod development and seed set in pods. Proper application of carbon stone, water and micronutrients favors the healthy flower and pod set.
Applying Carbon stone during the flowering stage prompts soybean plants to bloom. Flowering occurs at 3-6 nodal stages, extending along the main stem and branching. Blossoms can be purple or white, depending on the soybean variety. Since this stage is vulnerable to pests and diseases, providing proper nutrition helps boost crop growth and combat these challenges.
After the pod set, they start changing its color and dries. This is the indication of maturity. A single pod sets about 4-5 green seeds. Favorable environmental conditions results, good number of seed and pod set.
At the Maturity stage the Carbon Stone increases the chances of pod set and good number of seed filling in each pod. The upper four nodes have a 3/16-inch-long pod. During this stage, the plant requires a lot of nutrients for seed filling. Green seeds are formed in the pod. Before the leaves turn yellow during this stage, three to six trifoliolate leaves may drop from the lowest nodes.
Carbon Stone positively influences soybean yield by promoting early growth, maximizing flower and pod production, and optimizing seed development. Farmers who apply Carbon Stone at the right stages can expect improved crop health and higher yields.
Carbon Stone, an organic stone-like carbon product extracted through proprietary Microbial Extraction Technology, plays a crucial role in soil health and crop productivity. By incorporating Carbon Stone during the vegetative stage, flowering stage and maturity stage, farmers can promote healthier soybean plants, better flower sets, and increased crop yield.
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