
Geolife No Virus: Organic Solution for Chilli Crop Viral Disease Management

Geolife No Virus represents a groundbreaking approach to improving chilli crop health and productivity. It is an organic viricide specifically formulated to combat various viral diseases in chilli crops. This remarkable product contains a synergistic blend of phytochemicals, including terpenoids, alkaloids, tannins, polyphenols, and peptides. Together, these compounds act as a protective barrier, preventing viruses from infiltrating plant cells. Notably, No Virus not only suppresses viral infections but also promotes the growth of healthy chili leaves. Farmers who use No Virus can benefit from its sustainable approach to disease management while ensuring the health and productivity of their chilli crops. 

No Virus Bio Viricide on Chilli Crop

Geolife No Virus Chilli is an advanced bio-viricide specifically formulated for chili crops. It offers robust protection against a wide range of viruses that commonly affect chili plants. By inhibiting viral infections, this specialized solution promotes healthy foliage growth and enhances overall crop yield.   

List of Viral Diseases

  1. Leaf Curl
  2. Mosaic
  3. Necrosis
  4. Mild Mottle
  5. Mosaic Diseases

Most Infected Plant Part: Leaves, flowers and Fruits 

Vegetative Stage

During the vegetative stage, chili plants exhibit remarkable growth characteristics. Plants experience rapid vertical growth, with stems elongating and leaves expanding, Multiple branches emerge, including primary, secondary, and territorial branches. These branches contribute to the plant’s overall canopy. The vegetative stage is crucial for root establishment. Healthy root systems support nutrient uptake and water absorption. 

Whiteflies pose a significant threat during this stage and they transmit viral diseases. Viral infections disrupt biosynthetic processes, resulting in irregular leaf growth and deformation. 

Farmers must closely monitor chilli crops during the vegetative stage, implementing preventive measures to mitigate viral risks and ensure robust growth.  

Leaf Curl Disease


  • Edges of chili leaves exhibit a noticeable curling upward.
  • Veins within the leaves turn yellow.
  • Reduction in Leaf Size: Infected leaves become smaller than healthy ones.
  • Internodes and petioles shorten, leading to vein dilation.
  • As the disease progresses, older leaves lose their flexibility.
  • Virus-induced symptoms contribute to stunted plant growth.

Product Usage: No Virus, When applied during the vegetative stage (as a preventive measure or upon the first incidence of viral infection), Geolife No Virus enters the leaves through stomata and translocates throughout the plant system via vascular bundles. It prevents the attachment of infective virus particles (virions) to plant cells, unblocking conductive tissues and allowing the plant to recover. The emergence of virus-free new leaves contributes to healthier chili plants. Additionally, this broad-spectrum organic virucide ensures improved resistance against viruses and promotes fresh leaves in chili crops. 

Dosage: It is recommended at the rate of 3-5 ml/lit of water. Foliar application of No Virus with 3 ml/Ltr of water dosage can be done before the actual infection of viral disease is observed on the crop .For curative application of No Virus to be suggested once the disease infection starts or during the initial level of disease infection in the plot. 

Note: Foliar application of No Virus 5 ml / L of water to be sprayed along with suitable insecticide for insect vector control + Nutrients which includes NPK, Micronutrients and Plant growth promoters. 

Chilli Mosaic Disease


  • The virus is primarily transmitted by seeds and secondarily by Aphids.
  • Chilli Mosaic Disease is caused by Cucumber Mosaic virus. Initially, Causes chlorotic lesions on chili leaves, develops a mosaic pattern of light and dark green on leaf areas.
  • Infected leaves become distorted, with puckering or twisting of the leaf margins.
  • Infected plants exhibit stunted growth and produce less fruits.

Product Usage: No Virus has antioxidants that fight damage caused by viruses. It also stops viruses from sticking to cells by blocking special proteins on the virus. This helps in the early stages of a viral infection. It  has antioxidants that fight damage caused by viruses. It also stops viruses from sticking to cells by blocking special proteins on the virus. 

Dosage: It is recommended for residue-free farming. Foliar application of No Virus with 3 ml/L of water can be sprayed before the actual infection of viral disease is observed on the crop.  

Repeat application of No Virus 5 ml / L of water with any biostimulant like Geolife’s Vigore to be sprayed at 4-5 days after first application. Repeat 2-3 subsequent applications along with insecticide / biostimulant after 10-15 days intervals as per the need. 

Chilli Necrosis Disease


  • On the leaves, yellowish patches or spots with chlorotic concentric rings emerge.
  • Younger leaves first exhibit the bronzing sign, then a necrotic ring patch appears.
  • Necrotic spots may appear on the growing tips of diseased plants, resulting in the twig’s complete death.
  • Infected plants may produce malformed and unevenly ripe fruits in the early stages of infection.
  • Fruits produced after late-stage infections may show concentric rings with chlorotic patches.

Product Usage: No Virus inhibits necrotic viral infections and promotes new foliage growth. It also stops viruses from sticking to cells by blocking special proteins on the virus. This helps in the early stages of a viral infection. 

Dosage: Foliar application of No Virus with 3 ml / L of water can be sprayed before the actual infection of viral disease is observed on the crop. Repeat application of No Virus with the same dosage to be sprayed at 15-day intervals.  For curative application of No Virus to be suggested once the disease infection starts or during the initial level of disease infection in the plot.  

Repeat 2-3 subsequent applications along with biostimulant after 10-15 days intervals as per the need. .In a curative way, the management of insect vectors is very important. Therefore, Farmers need to select the right insecticide for effective control of vectors. 

For controlling viral disease in a curative way, the right nutrition management based on the requirement of the crop is equally important. It is an effective virus prevention and management solution, demonstrating resistance during infection and improving plant immunity. 

Fruiting stage

Following the flowering stage, chili plants transition into the fruiting stage. During this phase, green chilis gradually transform into vibrant red hues as they ripen. This stage is particularly sensitive to viral infections, which can significantly impact the fruit quality. Therefore, providing adequate care during this critical period is essential for a successful chili harvest.

Chilli Mild Mottle and Mosaic Disease


  • Leaves may appear mottled due to patches of pale and dark green, which leads to interveinal chlorosis.
  • Decreased fruit production.
  • Fruits that have been produced may also be warped and speckled.

Product Usage: No Virus is an organic viricide containing a blend of herbs to combat broad-spectrum viruses in crops. It stops viruses from entering plant cells by blocking their attachment or fusion. It also stops viruses from sticking to cells by blocking special proteins on the virus. 

Dosage: No Virus with 3 ml / L of water can be sprayed before the actual infection of viral disease is observed on the crop. Repeat application of No Virus with the same dosage to be done at 15-day intervals. A minimum of three applications should be done in a preventive way. 


No Virus is environmentally friendly, leaving no chemical residues on crops or soil, and is effective against leaf curl, mosaic, necrosis and mottle viruses. By adopting Geolife No Virus Chilli Special, farmers can minimize losses due to viral diseases, promote sustainable agriculture, and cultivate robust chili crops. 

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