
Organic Control Measures to Manage Septoria Leaf Spot in Tomato Crop

Septoria leaf spot disease, also called Septoria blight, occurs throughout the world wherever tomatoes are grown. This disease can be quite damaging and crop losses of up to 100% have been reported in heavily defoliated crop fields. In favorable climatic conditions Septoria infects various non cultivated and  cultivated crops but with the unfavorable condition it remains in plant debris or body of secondary host round the season.

  • Type of Infestation: DiseaseCommon
  • NameSeptoria leaf spot
  • Scientific Name: Septoria lycopersici
  • Category of Plant Disease: Fungal disease
  • Mode of Spread: Spores are spread to healthy plants  by windblown ,water, splashing rain, irrigation systems.
  • Most Affected Plant Part: Leaf, stem and fruit

Environmental Factors Favorable for disease/pest development

  1. Temperature: Pycnidiospores germinated at a temperature range of 5° to 27.5°C and 20° to 22.5°C was optimum.
  2. Relative Humidity: Infection can occur when the relative humidity has been at 100%

Most Affected States in India

Maharastra, Kerala , Karnataka.


  1. Initial Symptoms: Small, round to irregular spots with gray center and dark margin on leaves stem and flowers.
  2. Severe Symptoms: As the spots coalesce, leaves are blighted, resulting in complete defoliation. Defoliation usually starts on the oldest leaves first and quickly spread  plant toward the new growth.

Biological Control Measures for Septoria leaf spot in Tomato


Prophylactic Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of sprays Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo BLT100 + Zymo Max Spread 2 gm+0.10 ml 1-2 3 -5 weeks Foliar spray


Curative Dosage/ Lit. of water Number of treatment Spray intervals Method of application
Xymo BLT100 +Zymo Bioguard WLT6040 + Xymo Biologique 2 gm+ 1 gm + 2 -3 gm 2 -3 5 -7 days Foliar spray

(Note : If disease incidence  is more take 2-3 curative spray at 5 – 7  days interval)

Product Details

  1. Xymo BLT100 : This is available in powder form and it contains NON-GMO biologicals, lysing biocatalysts, stabilizers and bioenhancers. This is a broad spectrum bio-agents, which is recommended for Early blight, Late blight and Septoria leaf spot diseases of tomato. Xymo BLT 100 + Zymo Max Spread is sprayed as a preventive measure against Early & Late blight and Septoria Leaf spot of tomato. With these two biopesticides Zymo Bioguard is sprayed as a curative spray for the same diseases.
  2. Xymo Max Spread: This is available in liquid form, which is helpful for uniform spreading of biopesticide on sprayed areas. This can be used for all crops. It breaks down the surface tension of water and increases the wetting and spreading of a spray solution.
  3. Zymo Bioguard WLT6040: The product is available in powder form and it contains NON-GMO Biologicals, Proteolytic Biocatalysts, Stabilizers, Bioenhancers. Zymo Biogourd WLT6040 alone is recommended for Fusarium wilt disease of tomato before incidence of disease as a preventive measure. Increases Soil Microbial Activity, proliferates good soil aerobic microbes in root zone with adequate nutrients & denies food for anaerobic pathogens finally induces SAR. Recommended dose is 2g/lit Zymo Biologique + Xymo BLT100 + Zymo Max Spread sprayed as a curative measure against septoria leaf spot and powdery mildew immediately after the disease incidence. If the disease is severe, take another spray after a 5-7 days interval.

For more details on the product, please visit page: Diseases Management in Tomato Crop using UAL Organic Based Products’

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