2024 Budget's Plan for Small Farmers Growth

The 2024 Budget boosts support for small farmers, focusing on subsidies, insurance, sustainability, and infrastructure to enhance their livelihoods.

Increased Funding for Subsidies:

More funds for seeds, fertilizers, and irrigation are provided, lowering input costs for small farmers and easing financial pressures.

Enhanced Crop Insurance:

Expanded crop insurance covers natural calamities and market fluctuations, giving small farmers a vital safety net.

Support for Sustainable Practices:

Incentives for organic farming and eco-friendly practices help small farmers adopt sustainable methods and improve soil health.

Funding for rural roads, storage, and marketplaces reduces transportation costs and enhances efficiency for small farmers.

Investment in Infrastructure:

Funds for digital tools and apps offer small farmers modern technology, weather updates, and market information.

Access to Technology:

Support for agricultural cooperatives gives small farmers collective bargaining power and better market access.

Empowering Cooperatives:

Workshops and courses on modern farming and financial management help small farmers improve their skills and farm management.

Education and Training Programs:


The 2024 Budget supports small farmers through subsidies, insurance, sustainability, infrastructure, technology, and education, aiming for a prosperous agricultural future.

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