5 Simple Ideas to Use Orange Peels in Daily Life
Orange peels contain important nutrients, fibres, vitamin C and polyphenols. Here are the methods to reuse the orange peels in your home
Remove peels of 4-6 fruits. Simmer in water for 25 min. Boil 1/2 cup water, dissolve 1/4 cup sugar. Add peels, simmer 15 min. Dry it
1. Candy the peels
Quickly zest citrus before eating and freeze it. When citrus is out of season, you'll have zest ready for baking cookies and more
2. Freeze citrus zest
Soak orange peels for 2 weeks in water. Strain and use the liquid to remove oil and grease stains
3. Cleansing agent
Dry the peels, cut into pieces, and place in a jar. Pour vodka and shake daily for 3 days. Strain and let the alcohol evaporate
4. Make essential oil
Like other fruit and vegetable scraps, citrus peels add nitrogen to the compost pile. Cut them into small pieces to degrade faster
5. Toss on compost
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