Annona Species: Fruits and Health Benefits

Annona species are famous not only for their delicious and diverse fruits but also for their health benefits and uses in traditional medicine

Annona muricata (Soursop)

Large, spiny, heart-shaped fruits with a dark green exterior and white fibrous, juicy flesh

Species of Annona

Annona squamosa (Sugar Apple)

Sugar apple has a bumpy green exterior that divides into segments when ripe revealing creamy, sweet and custard like flesh

Annona reticulata (Custard Apple)

Custard apple has a smoother, reddish-brown skin with slight depressions

Annona cherimola (Cherimoya)

Cherimoya fruits are green with slightly scaly surface with creamy white flesh and has slightly tangy flavor

Annona senegalensis (Wild Soursop)

Hardy breed with high milk yield, ideal for tropical climates and small-scale dairy farming.

Annona diversifolia (Ilama)

Ilama fruits can be pink or green skinned with sweet, creamy flesh that is either white or pink, depending on the variety

Medicinal importance of Annona

Soursop is used in traditional medicine for its anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activities

Sugar Apple has potential antidiabetic and antioxidant properties

Cherimoya valued for its nutritional content, including vitamins C and B6, and minerals like potassiu

Custard Apple used for its potential wound healing and antibacterial properties

Wild soursop is valued in traditional African medicine for its potential antimicrobial and antimalarial properties

Ilama are eaten fresh or used in desserts and beverages

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