Battling Brown Plant Hoppers: Solutions for Paddy Farmers

Brown plant hopper is a notorious pest that poses a significant threat, effective management strategies are crucial for protecting your paddy fields.


Infested plants show hopper burn (dry, brown patches), circular patches of dryness, and sooty mould at the base due to honey dew secretion.

Cultural Control:

Maintain 30 cm plant spacing, keep fields weed-free, and practice crop rotation with early maturing varieties to reduce spread of pests.

Biological Control:

Release of natural egg predators  like Cyrtorhinus lividipennis adult ( 200-250 bug /Ha ) during peak incidence at 10 days interval.

Physical Control:

Sweeping of nursery paddy seedling bed with net to prevent BPH and draining of rice field for 3- 4 days at infestation stage.

Chemical Control:

Apply recommended insecticides like Katyayani BPH Super, etc., at early stages of infestation. Rotate chemicals to prevent resistance.

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