Cotton Under Siege: Top 5 Diseases During the Rainy Season

The rainy season brings both growth and challenges for cotton crops. Excess moisture can create the perfect environment for various diseases. Here we'll explore the top 5 diseases that threaten cotton and effective strategies for control.

1. Bacterial Blight

Symptoms: Water soaked spots on leaves, which turn brown and necrotic. Control: Apply copper-based bactericides as a preventive measure.

2. Fusarium Wilt

Symptoms: Wilting, yellowing of leaves and rotting of roots. Control: Avoid overwatering and provide good soil drainage.

3. Leaf Spot

Symptoms: Circular spots on leaves, which causes defoliation. Control: Removal of infected leaves and apply fungicides.

4. Grey Mold

Symptoms: Gray, fuzzy mold on bolls and leaves which leads to rotting. Control: Apply fungicides such as benomyl or iprodione during high humidity.

5. Boll Rot

Symptoms: Soft and discolored bolls with foul odor. Control: Avoid excess nitrogen fertilizer and apply appropriate fungicides.


With careful management and early intervention, you can protect your cotton crops from these rainy-season diseases.

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