Discover the Right Way to Water Your Indoor Plants
Outdoor plants have different water requirements by season, while indoor plants have specific needs. Let's learn the right way to water your plants
Filtered water is best for your indoor plants. However, it is safe to use tap water and chlorinated water
Best Water for Indoor Plants
Use room-temperature water for indoor plants. Very hot or cold water can damage leaves & cause the plants to go into shock
Water temperature
Plants like cacti and succulents do better when the soil dries between waterings. Whereas philodendrons require a lot of water
How Much to Water
Water your plants in the morning as excess moisture splashed on the foliage will have a chance to dry & evaporate reducing risk of diseases
When to Water
Stick your finger about an inch into the potting mix. If it feels dry, water your plant
How to Check Your Plant's Water Level
Thoroughly soak the soil and continue adding water until it starts to run out of the container's drainage hole
How to Water Indoor Plants
Lack of new growth, wilting & yellowing leaves are common signs of overwatering
How to Know You're Overwatering Your Plants
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