Effective Crop Rotation for Small Vegetable Gardens

Crop rotation involves changing the location of crops each year to disrupt pest and disease cycles and maintain soil fertility in vegetable gardens

How to Do Crop Rotation in vegetable garden?

Divide your garden into different parts for different plant families

1. Layout your garden design

Rotate the crop location of plant families each year to prevent depletion of soil nutrients

2. Rolocate crops annually

Using of greenmanure crops like clover or rye to replenish soil nutrients and prevent erosion

3. Greenmanure crops

Rotate between legumes, root vegetables, leafy greens, and fruit crops. Each group has different nutrient needs and pest susceptibilities

Crops used

Crops to be rotated annually or at least every two years to prevent soil degradation and reduce pest and disease cycles

Rotation interval

It breaks pest life cycles, reduces soil-borne diseases, and balances soil nutrients, improving fertility and preventing depletion

Benefits of rotation