Harvest Nature’s Resin: The Journey of Lac Cultivation

Lac is a resin secreted by lac insects, these are cultivated on specific host plants, and resin they produce is harvested and processed for various uses.

Host Plants

Common host plants for lac insects include: Kusum (Schleichera oleosa) Palas (Butea monosperma) Ber (Ziziphus mauritiana) Babul (Acacia nilotica)


In this brood lac sticks are tied to the branches of host plants, where the eggs hatch, and the larvae starts feeding on the host sap.

Rearing and Management

They are reared on host plants, with pest control and plant health management to ensure growth and high-quality resin production.


After 6 months, the lac is ready to harvest. The encrusted branches are cut and the lac is scraped off and then processed to remove impurities.


The harvested lac undergoes stages of processing, like washing, drying, and grading. The final product, shellac, is used in various industries.

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