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How to Manage Mango Flowering to Increase Profit

Mango Flowering

Mango flowering starts after 5-8 years of growth. Temperature, sunlight, and humidity are key factors affecting this stage.

Importance of Pollination

Mango flowers depend on pollinators for fruit set. But not all flowers turn into fruit. optimal conditions are necessary for flowering.

Flowering Management

Effective management like Pruning, girdling, and plant growth regulators duirng flowering improves fruit production

Pruning and Girdling

Pruning, especially tip pruning, encourages flowering. Girdling, if done cautiously, can increase fruit set and size.

Plant Growth Regulators

Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) like Paclobutrazol and Ethephon play vital roles in controlling flowering and fruit development

Nutrient Management

Balanced nutrients are key. Excessive nitrogen delays flowering. Phosphorus and potassium promote flower initiation and fruit set

Pest and Disease

Pests and diseases harmful for flowering. Mango hoppers, flower gall midge, and powdery mildew can reduce fruit development

Role of Pollination

Pollination is important for fruit set. Mango flowers rely on insects for pollination so Avoid pesticides to maximize yields

Favorible Weather Conditions

Weather conditions greatly impact fruit set. Wind protection and optimal humidity levels are essential for successful flowering

Water Management

Proper water management is vital. Insufficient or excessive watering can lead to reduced yields and quality

Favorible Conditions

Favorible conditions for mango flower initiation include cooler temperatures (15-20°C daytime, 10-15°C nighttime) and bright sunshine

Maximizing Mango Yields

By implementing these practices, mango farmers can enhance flower and fruit production, leading to increased yields and better quality fruits

To know more details about strategies for managing mango flowers to boost yields Click the link below