How to Prevent Leaf Curl Virus in Chilli

Leaf Curl Virus

It is Caused by group of viruses known as begomoviruses. transmitted by whiteflies


1.Upward or downward curling 2. Leathery & brittle 3. Chlorosis

Preventive Measures

Use disease-free seeds & seedlings. Practice crop rotation. Early planting & pest control

These are the Chemical products that helps to control Leaf Curl Virus


Osheen Insecticide

Why Pick This Product?

Fast action, systemic protection, unique mode against resistant pests, rainfastness ensure cost-effective, long-lasting pest control

Tatamida SL Insecticide

Why Pick This Product?

Modern neonicotinoid insecticide with systemic activity for long-lasting control against aphids, whiteflies, and hoppers

Oberon Insecticide

Why Pick This Product?

Effective against mites and whiteflies at all stages, safe for beneficial insects, and offers excellent control of resistant pests with its innovative mode of action

These are the Organic Viricide that helps to control Leaf Curl Virus


Vanproz V-Bind

Why Pick This Product?

Effectively prevents and treats viral diseases like leaf mosaic, bunchy top, and leaf curl, ensuring healthy crops

Multiplex Magnum Mn

Why Pick This Product?

Boost photosynthesis, enhance disease resistance & seed quality with Multiplex Manganese, vital for plant health

These are the Biological Products that helps to control Leaf Curl Virus


Greenpeace Neemol Bio Neem Oil Insecticide

Why Pick This Product?

Natural, effective pest control, safe for beneficial insects, suitable for organic and conventional farming

Nanobee Agrokill Insecticide

Why Pick This Product?

Broad-spectrum nanotech crop protector for instant, organic defense against pests without harming beneficial organisms

To learn more about Preventive methods of Leaf Curl Virus in Chilli , click the link below.