Jackfruit By-Products Benefits and Uses You Need to Know

Jackfruit, offers more than just delicious fruit. Its by-products such as seeds and fibers, provide numerous health benefits and culinary applications

Various by-products of jackfruit and their advantages:


Rich in protein, fiber, and essential nutrients, jackfruit seeds can be used in various dishes

* Jackfruit Seeds:

 Made from dried jackfruit, this flour is gluten-free and nutritious, used in baking and as thickening agent

* Jackfruit Flour:

 These crispy snacks are made from thinly sliced and fried jackfruit

* Jackfruit Chips:

 Used in textile production for sustainable fibers for eco-friendly clothing and products

* Jackfruit Fiber:

Can be used in smoothies and desserts adds natural sweetness and nutrients

* Jackfruit Pulp:

Jackfruit by-products are not only versatile but also packed with health benefits, making them a valuable addition to any diet


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