Late Blight of Potato: Symptoms and Control Measures
Late blight of potato, caused by a pathogen, leads to severe crop losses. Understand its symptoms and control measures for effective management
1.Leaf Spots
Dark, water-soaked spots on leaves with pale green borders, which can expand rapidly under moist conditions
Brown lesions on stems cause wilting, while brown, firm rot in tubers starts at the surface, making them unmarketable.
2. Stem Lesions and Tuber Rot
Late blight is caused by a pathogen, it is spreading through infected plant material, soil, and water, thriving in cool, wet weather
1. Crop Rotation
Rotating crops and avoiding planting potatoes in the same field consecutively helps to break the disease cycle
Removing and destroying infected plant debris and volunteer potatoes can reduce the source of infection
2. Proper Sanitation
Regular application of fungicides like saaf can help to control the spread of late blight, especially during favorable conditions
3. Fungicide Application
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