Learn the Art of Bonsai: Beginners Tips and Tricks

Bonsai is a modified small trees with extensive care. This guide provides beginners with the basics to start their Bonsai journey successfully.

Pick a Bonsai species like Fig trees, Fukien tea trees, etc that thrives in your local climate and matches your skill level

Choose the Right Tree

Choose a suitable pot with drainage facility and use well-drained soil to promote healthy growth for your Bonsai.

Proper Potting

Water your Bonsai thoroughly to make sure the soil absorbs water properly. Avoid over-watering to prevent root-rot

Watering Bonsai

Learn to prune branches like one of two branches at the same height, twisted branches and thick top branches to shape your Bonsai

Pruning Basics

Use balanced solid or liquid fertilizers in smaller quantities than normal plants to provide essential nutrients for your Bonsai

Fertilizing Tips

Repot your Bonsai every 2 years to prevent it from becoming pot-bound, ensuring it can absorb and store water properly.
