Diseases cause damage to paddy can significantly reduce yield. These diseases are primarily caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi.
*Spindle-shaped spots with grey centre and brown margin, later causing a ‘Blasted’ or ‘Burnt’ appearance* Greyish brown lesions on the neck, panicle breaks and fall off
1. Rice Blast or Blast of Rice
Major Paddy Diseases:
*Water-soaked spots appear on leaves*white streaks form from the tip of the leaf to the base*Wilting and yellowing of leaves
2. Bacterial Leaf Blight of Rice:
*Irregular greyish-brown water-soaked lesions on flag leaf sheath*White powdery fungal growth inside the affected sheath
3. Sheath Rot of Rice:
*Oval or cylindrical dark brown spots with a yellow halo*Infection of florets can lead to incomplete grain filling and reduced grain quality
4. Brown Spot of Rice:
* Spikelets have orange or greenish-black velvety smut balls* This leads to chaffy grains
5. False Smut of Rice:
* Initially, greenish-grey oval or elliptical lesions appear on the leaf sheath near the water level* Later, it forms irregular lesions with a greyish-white centre and brown margin
6. Sheath Blight of Rice :
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