Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) Scheme

It is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme under RKVY(Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana) since 2022-23, aims to enhance water use efficiency in agriculture.

Scheme Overview

Allocation: 60:40 for states, 90:10 for NE & Himalayan, 100% for UTs, ensuring equitable distribution.


Focus: Targets rainfed, water-scarce areas for efficient water utilization, maximizing crop yield.

Assistance pattern: Prioritizes small/marginal farmers with 55% subsidy, ensuring inclusivity.

Additional subsidies: Enhanced support for NE, Himalayas, and low-penetration states, promoting balanced development.


The scheme boosts water efficiency, crop productivity, and income for farmers, promoting fertigation, integrating with irrigation projects, supporting wastewater reuse, and generating employment.


The scheme may not fully benefit larger farms due to landholding size constraints, potentially limiting its impact.

Scheme promotes sustainable agriculture by emphasizing efficient water use through micro irrigation, empowering farmers, conserving water, and driving economic growth in the sector.


To learn more about the Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) Scheme, click the link below for additional details.