Financial Assistance: Grants for agricultural projects based on detailed DPRs.
Comprehensive Planning: Projects must have thorough planning and detailed project reports.
Wide Scope: Supports various sectors like crop production, horticulture, livestock, and fisheries.
State-Led: Implemented by state governments with central assistance.
Enhanced Productivity: Supports projects that improve agricultural productivity.
Sustainable Development: Promotes sustainable agricultural practices.
Diverse Support: Covers a wide range of agricultural and allied activities
State Empowerment: – Empowers states to prioritize and address local agricultural needs.
Project Proposal: Develop a detailed project report (DPR) covering all aspects of the project.
Submit DPR: Submit the DPR to the state agriculture department for review.
Funding: Upon approval, funds are released for project implementation.
Approval: State government reviews and forwards the proposal to the central government.