Soil Components: The Precise Five Essential Ingredients

Soil is essential for plant growth. The healthier the soil, the healthier the plants. Let us learn about the five important ingredients in soil

Minerals are the largest component of soil, making up 45-49% of the volume. They influence soil characters

1. Minerals

Water is the second component of soil making up 20-30% of the soil volume. The capacity of soil to hold water is dependent on soil texture.

2. Water

It makes up 2-6% of soil volume and is derived from dead plants and animals. It also provides essential elements for plant growth.

3. Organic Matter

Gases or air make up 2-50% of the soil volume. The major constituents of air in soil are nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide

4. Gases

Microorganisms make up less than 1% of the soil volume and consist of bacteria, actinomycetes, algae, and fungi.

5. Microorganism

Minerals, water, organic matter, gases, and microorganisms form soil’s essential components creating a balanced life-supporting environment.


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