South West Monsoon: Lifeline of Indian Agriculture

The South West Monsoon, originating from the Indian Ocean, is crucial for Indian agriculture, bringing essential rains from June to September, supporting crop growth.

Increased Crop Production

Leading to increased soil moisture and promotes the growth of crops, resulting in higher agricultural output

Economic Boost

A successful monsoon season leads to a good harvest, stabilizing food prices, reducing inflation, and boosting the overall economy by increasing agricultural output and exports.

Groundwater Recharge

Heavy rains during the monsoon help recharge groundwater levels, which is vital for irrigation during dry spells and for maintaining the water table.

Rainfall Distribution

The South West Monsoon distributes rainfall unevenly across India, benefiting regions like the Western Ghats and Northeastern states, while posing challenges for arid zones.

Boosting Kharif Crops

Kharif crops such as rice, maize, and cotton thrive during the monsoon season, relying on the timely and adequate rains for germination, growth, and yield.

Soil Moisture

The monsoon enhances soil moisture levels, making the land fertile and suitable for sowing and growing a variety of crops, leading to improved agricultural productivity.

Livelihood Support

The monsoon supports the livelihoods of millions of Indian farmers by enabling them to grow sufficient food and cash crops, thus sustaining rural economies.

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