Step by Step Guide on How to Grow Strawberries in Pots
Growing strawberries in pots is easy and any variety can thrive in containers. Follow these steps for successful growth and care of strawberry plant
June-bearing: 1 harvest for two weeks in early summer
Day-neutral: Harvest throughout summer
Everbearing: 2-3 harvests every season
Types of Strawberries
Strawberries produce a greater harvest when grown in full sun. Place the strawberry container in a sunny area that receives 8 hours of sun everyday
Use loose well-draining soil. Strawberries only need to be planted in 4-6 inches of soil. Use containers with holes to allow excess water to drain
Plant the strawberry plants so their crowns are just above the soil surface
Plant the Strawberries
Water your strawberries once or twice per week. Plants in containers dry out more frequently, so make sure to check the soil's moisture everyday.
Set the pot in a location that recieves at least 8-12 hours of sun daily to ensure plenty of flowers and fruits
Feed your strawberries with a balanced liquid fertilizer every three to four weeks
Feeding your Strawberries
Follow these steps and enjoy delicious strawberries straight from the pot.
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