Symptoms and Management of Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle
Rhinoceros beetle is the main pest of coconut. It feeds on sap by boring into tree crowns, which reduces yields. Here are signs & management of beetle
Eggs are oval, creamy white & seen in manure pits. Grubs are white C shaped with pale brown head. Adults are black and has a long horn
1. As beetles bore into the center of the crown, chewed fibers near the base of the central spindle and holes in palm stems are seen
2. Central spindle is cut or toppled and the damage appears as V-shaped cuts in the fronds
Cultural method
-Collect and destroy the bio-stages of the beetle from the manure pits.
-Remove and burn all dead coconut trees in the garden
-Adult beetle can be removed from the palm crown using GI hooks
-Set up light traps in kharif, to attract & kill the adult beetles
Mechanical method
Set up 2-3/acre rhino lure pheromone trap to trap and kill the beetles. Trapped beetles can be disposed off
Trap method
Soak castor cake at 1 kg in 5 liter of water in small mud pots and keep them in the coconut gardens to attract and kill the adults
Biological method
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