The Soil Health Card Scheme

Soil Health Card scheme enhances farming by providing soil nutrient information. Launched in 10.02.2015

Scheme Overview

funded by central government. 

Scheme is for All farmers in any state of India


Available in 22 languages. Issued every 3 years. Helps improve farming practices


Soil Health Card provides farmers with nutrient reports, crop recommendations, expert assistance, and training. Identifies deficiencies, optimizing soil health.


Soil Health Card details are issued every 3 years, but accuracy may suffer due to natural calamities or climate disruptions. Frequent inspections may be needed for better soil profile management.

1. Visit the Soil Health Card website, click on RELATED LINKS, and select FARMERS PORTAL for access.

Application Process

2. You will be redirected to the respective portal

3. Choose the Soil Health Card tab

4. Choose 'Soil Testing Laboratory', view states listed. Each has a DETAILS button for further information.

5. Click on the respective button against your state.

6. View details of all labs in the state. Note the closest one for your convenience.

7. Submit soil sample for analysis. Reports sent to authorities.

8. Choose "Download SHC" on Farmers Portal to access the report easily instead of Soil Testing Laboratory.

To learn more about the Soil Health Card scheme, click the link below for additional details.