Tips For Protecting Your Home Garden This Winter
Winter can be harsh for your garden, but some tips can protect your plants in cold months. Here are a few simple tips to protect your plants in winter
Adding a thick layer of mulch will insulate plant roots and keep soil moisture in, preventing them from freezing
1. Mulch Your Plants
Cover weak or delicate plants to give some extra protection during the cold nights with frost cloths or an old blanket
2. Protect delicate plants
Remove dead or diseased branches so that they do not break under the weight of snow and put added stress on the plant
3. Trim dead branches
If you have potted plants, place them inside, or in a protected area, to keep them safe from frost and extreme cold
4. Keep potted plants inside
Install windbreaks such as hedges to protect your garden from strong winter winds and minimize the damage to your plants
5. Install windbreaks
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