Top 10 Tractor Implements To Make Your Farming Easier

Agricultural tractor implements are specialized tools attached to tractors to perform a wide range of essential tasks for successful farming.

Rotating blades for breaking and digging the soil is called rotavator. Used to prepare soil for planting.

1. Rotavator / Rotary Tiller

It is used to prepare the soil for farming by loosening it, removing weeds, and improving soil aeration.

2. Cultivator

It is a farming implement which has metal teeth or disks to break up soil clod and provide the soil a structure suitable for planting.

3. Harrow

It is a farming implement which has one or many blades used for loosening the soil before seeding or planting.

4. Plough

It is the fusion of a Rotavator & Seed Drill, used for sowing after harvesting which simultaneously crushes & mixes the stubbles.

5. Roto Seed Drill

A baler or hay baler is used to compress a cut and raked crop into compact bales that are easy to handle, transport and store.

6. Baler

A planter is agriculture equipment, usually tugged behind a tractor that sows seeds in rows all over the field.

7. Planter

It is an equipment attached to a tractor, used for spraying agrochemicals like pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides etc on crops.

8. Sprayer

A Straw Reaper is also an agriculture implement used to cut, thresh and clean the straw in one operation.

9. Straw Reaper

A trailer is a vehicle that is used to transport  goods, produce, straw etc. It can’t move on its own it needs to be pulled by a tractor.

10. Trailer

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