Top 5 Bioluminescent Mushroom: Nature’s Glowing Wonders

There are over 80 species of Bioluminescent Mushrooms found. Oxyluciferin is the component that gives fungi their radiance. This is called foxfire.

1. Bitter Oyster

It's one of the brightest-glowing mushrooms on Earth. This is a flat fungi, which looks like a collection of tiny fans growing on sticks.

2. Honey Mushroom

These orange-hued mushrooms are some of the most widely distributed bioluminescent fungi, found from North America to Asia.

3. Green Pepe

Mycena chlorophos' pale-green glow is visible because it occurs in its fruiting body, not just in its mycelia.

4. Lilac Bonnet

Its quintessential bell-shaped caps are usually soft purple in color. That's where it gets its common name, lilac bonnet.

5. Jack-O'-Lantern Mushroom

Most widely known mushrooms, the so-called jack-o'-lantern glows in both its mycelia and the gills on the underside of its cap.

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