Top 5 Kitchen Garden Pests and Effective Control Measures

A kitchen garden grows herbs, veggies, and fruits near your home, offering fresh ingredients, cutting grocery costs, and adding flavor to your meals.

1. Aphids (Control Measures):

Introduce natural predators like ladybugs or lacewings, and apply neem oil to affected plants to control pests effectively.

2. Whiteflies (Control Measures):

Install yellow sticky traps to attract and catch whiteflies, and spray insecticidal soap to reduce their population.

3. Spider Mites (Control Measures):

Mites thrive in dry conditions, so mist the plants regularly and wash off mites with a strong jet of water.

4. Slugs and Snails (Control Measures)

Set out shallow dishes of beer to lure and drown them and place copper tape around plant bases to deter them.

5. Caterpillars (Control Measures):

Manually remove caterpillars and use neem oil to repel them, as it disrupts their feeding and controls pest attacks.

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