Top 5 Orchard Pests: Symptoms and Management

Orchards are vulnerable to variety of pests that can impact fruit quality and yield, best practices for controlling them ensures a bountiful harvest.

Fruit Fly

Symptoms: Small, sunken spots and leads to internal decay of the fruits. Control: Remove and dispose of infested fruit and use baited traps.


Symptoms: Honeydew on fruit, and cause curling and distortion of new growth. Control: Release natural predators such as ladybugs and use neem oil.


Symptoms: Discoloration and webbing on leaves with premature leaf drop. Control: Apply miticides and introduce predatory mites.

Codling Moth

Symptoms: larval tunnels inside the fruit and causing premature drop. Control: Use pheromone traps and apply insecticides for control.


Symptoms: Oozing of gum on the trunk, poor growth of trees. Control: Apply protective barriers around the trunk to prevent larvae from entering.

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