Top 5 Rain Water Harvesting Systems

Rainwater harvesting (RWH) is the collection and storage of rain water,  rather than allowing it to run off and Rainwater is redirected to a tank.

1.Roof top rainwater harvesting

Collects rainwater from rooftops and channels it into storage tanks , easy to implement in urban and rural areas.

2.Surface runoff harvesting

Captures rainwater from surfaces like roads,  gardens  and fields ,  directing it into the recharge structures.

3.Percolation pits

Pits dug into the ground to allow rainwater to percolate and recharge your groundwater table.

4.Rain Barrels

Containers placed at the end of downspouts to collect and store rainwater from rooftops, idea for watercollection for garden use.

5.Underground storage tanks

Large tanks installed below ground to store rainwater collected from rooftops or surface runoff.

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