Turning Waste into Wealth: Potent Food Waste Management

Food Waste means food appropriate for human consumption being discarded, whether it’s kept beyond its expiry date or left to spoil.

Source reduction

Minimizing the amount of food you're buying or reducing the number of items on a menu.

Feed hungry people

Helping your community by donating food to food banks, soup kitchens, or shelters.

Feed animals

Helping to sustain the local farming industries to help turn scraps from your kitchen into animal food.

Industrial uses

Working with local councils to repurpose kitchen items. Wasted oils can be rendered and turned into a sustainable fuel source.


Repurposing food waste as compost with local crop producers in your community.

Incineration or landfill

This is not sustainable or environmentally friendly. Measures should be taken to avoid this action for all food waste.

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