HomeCropHealthy Flowers, Healthy Profits: Managing Pests And Diseases In Mango Flowers

Healthy Flowers, Healthy Profits: Managing Pests And Diseases In Mango Flowers

Mango is one of the most important commercial fruit crops of India and is widely known as the ‘King of Fruits. Mangoes are mainly grown in tropical and subtropical areas in India. It grows best at a temperature of about 27°C. Uttar Pradesh is the leading producer of Mango with a 23.58 % share in total production and high productivity. India is a leading exporter of fresh mangoes to the world. Around 27,872.78 MT of fresh mangoes are exported to the world for the worth of Rs. 327.45 crores or 44.05 USD Millions in the year 2021-22. Major Exporting Countries are the United Arab Emirates, the UK, Qatar, Kuwait, and Oman.  

Botanical Name of Mango: Mangifera indica  

Mango Flowers:

Mango flowers are hermaphrodite, monoecious, and are borne from inflorescence. Among all the flowers, only a few develop into fruits. Although mango flowers are hermaphrodites, cross-pollination contributes to the maximum fruit set. They are mostly pollinated by birds and insects such as bees, beetles, ants, wasps, and flies. Mango flowers bloom from December and can extend up to March. However, fruit development starts from January to May depending upon the time of flower initiation.  

Flower Initiavtion:

  • Favorable conditionsFlowering is mainly influenced by climatic conditions, especially temperature, rainfall, and high humidity. Rainfall during the pre-flowering and flowering stages can lead to delayed flowering and cloudy weather during the flowering stage leads to heavy flower drop. 
  • Pruning – Pruning affects flowering and yield. Pruning during the middle of December (Pre-flowering stage) will result in floral flush.  
  • Plant Growth regulators – Ethephon, Paclobutrazol, Alpha Naphthyl acetic acid are used to either induce flowering or enhance fruit set.  

Major Pests affecting Mango Flowers:

  1. Mango Hopper:

Scientific name: Idioscopus niveoparsus, I.nitidulus, Amritodus atkinsoni 

Damage causing insect stage: Nymphs and Adults 

Mango Hopper Symptoms:  

  • Withering and shedding of florets  
  • Affected flower stalks become sticky due to honeydew secretion which causes sooty mould development  

Favorable conditions for Mango hopper infestation in Mango flowers:   

Shade and high humidity due to close planting favor its multiplication.  

Mango Hopper Management:  

Application – First spray during panicle emergence stage, second spray after 15 days of first spray, and later depending on pest intensity 


Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre or per lit water) 
Biological Management 
Eco neem plus    Azadiractin 10000 PPM  325-450 ml 
Anand Dr. Bacto’s Meta (Bio insecticide)  Metarhizium anisopliae    Foliar spray: 2 ml/lit  

Soil application: 2 lit 


Chemical Management 
Actara Insecticide  Thiamethoxam 25 % WG  0.5 gm/lit  
Alika Insecticide  Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC  0.3 ml/lit  
Keefun insecticide  Tolfenpyrad 15% EC  2 ml/lit    
Tatamida SL Insecticide  Imidacloprid 17.8% SL  1-2 ml/lit 
Plant growth boosters  
Vanproz Immune Mango Special  Micronutrients with amino acid, growth-supporting co-factors, and biostimulant  Foliar – 2-3 ml/lit 

Soil Drenching- 5 ml/lit 


Multiplex Chamak Micronutrient  Micronutrients (Calcium & Boron) 


Foliar – 3.0 gm/lit  
  1. Flower gall midge / Inflorescence midge

Scientific name: Procystiphora mangiferae, Erosomyia indica, Dasineura amaramanjarae 

Damage causing insect stage: Maggots 

Flower gall midge / Inflorescence midge Symptoms: 

  • Maggots penetrate into the flower bud by making holes and feeding on the inner content 
  • The affected inflorescence is stunted and malformed  
  • Affected flower buds fail to open and fall down 

Favorable conditions for Inflorescence midge infestation in Mango flower: 

Strong winds, infected plant materials, early blooming, and maggots hibernating in the soil favor pest multiplication. 

Management of Inflorescence midge / Flower gall midge: 

Application – Three to five sprays at 15-30 days intervals depending on pest intensity 


Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre or per lit water) 
Biological Management 
Neem 1500 PPM Biopesticide  Azadiractin 1500 PPM (0.15%) EC  2-2.5 ml/liter 
T.Stanes Nimbecidine    Azardiractin 300 PPM (EC formulation)  10 ml/liter 
Chemical Management 
Anant Insecticide  Thiamethoxam 25 % WG  0.3 – 0.5 gm/lit 
Tafgor Insecticide  Dimethoate 30% EC   1.5 – 2.5 ml/lit 
Reeva 5 Insecticide  Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC  2 ml/liter 
Police insecticide  Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG  0.2 -0.6gm/lit 
Plant growth boosters  
Ethrel    Ethephon 39 SL (39% w/w)  1- 2.5 ml/lit or 200-500 ml/acre   
Allbor-Boron 20%  20% Boron in water-soluble form.  Drip: 500 gm 

Foliar: 1 gm/lit 

  1. Mango Mealy Bug

Scientific name: Drosicha mangiferae 

Damage causing insect stage: Nymph and Adult 

Mango Mealy Bug Symptoms: 

  • Pinkish nymph and adult mealy bug present on mango inflorescence 
  • Nymphs suck the juice from flower pedicels and cause drying of inflorescence 

Favorable conditions for Mealy bug infestation in Mango flower: 

Alternate weed host like Clerodendrum inflortunatum, warm humid climate, and rainfall favors pest attack.  

Mango Mealy Bug Management: 

Application – Spray during pre-bloom stage at15-30 days interval depending on pest intensity 

Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre or per liter water) 
Biological Management 
Greenpeace Neemol (10000PPM) Bio neem oil   Neem Oil extracts (Azardiractin) 


Foliar Spray: 1 – 2 ml/lit 
Sun Bio Vetri  Verticilium lecanii  5 ml/lit 
Anand Dr Bacto’s Brave (Bio Insecticide)  Beauveria bassiana  Foliar spray – 2.5 ml/lit 
Chemical Management 
Alika Insecticide  Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda-cyhalothrin 9.5% ZC  0.5 ml/lit 
Predator Insecticide  Chlorpyriphos 50 % EC  2 ml/lit 
Tafgor insecticide  Dimethoate 30% EC  1.5 – 2.5 ml/l 
Sivanto Bayer Insecticide  Flupyradifurone  2 ml/lit 
Plant growth boosters  
Multiplex Chamak Micronutrient  Calcium and Boron  0.3 gm/lit 
Ecohume – Bioactive humic substances 6%  Humic acid 6% and Fulvic acid  Foliar spray: 405 – 485 ml 



    1. Mango Flower Webber

Scientific name: Eublemma versicolor 

Damage causing insect stage: Larva 

Mango Flower Webber Symptoms: 

  • Affected flowers are webbed together by the larva  
  • Larva penetrates into the inflorescence stalk by making holes 

Favourable conditions for Flower webber infestation in Mango flower:  

Shade due to close planting, high temperature and humidity favours flower webber infestation. 

Mango Flower Webber Management: 

Application – Three to five sprays at 15-30 days interval depending on pest intensity 

Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre or per lit water) 
Biological Management 
Anshul Bio Finish (Bio Pesticide)  Plant Extracts  Foliar Spray: 3 – 5 ml/lit 
Chemical Management 
Katyayani Chakrawarti  Thiamethoxam 12.6% + Lambda cyhalothrin 9.5 % ZC  0.4 ml/litre 
Ekalux Insecticide  Quinalphos 25 % EC  2 ml/litre 
Police insecticide  Fipronil 40% + Imidacloprid 40% WG  0.2 -0.6 gm/lit 
Karate insecticide  Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC  1.5 – 1.65 ml/lit 
Plant growth boosters  
Cultar  Paclobutrazol 


For trees < 10 years age: 8 ml/tree dissolved in water  

For trees > 10 years age: 16 ml/tree dissolved in water  

(In both cases, apply to the root zone) 



Major Diseases affecting Mango Flowers:

  1. Mango Powdery mildew

Causal organism: Oidium mangiferae


  • White superficial powdery fungal growth is seen on flowers 
  • Leads to pre-mature dropping of affected flowers 

Favourable conditions for Powdery mildew incidence in Mango: 

Rainfall or mist along with cooler nights during flowering stage are favourable for disease spread. 

Management of Powdery mildew in Mango flower:  

Application – Spray fungicides at 14 – 20 days interval during flowering stage and later depending upon disease infection 

Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre or per lit water) 
Biological management 
Anand Dr. Bacto’s Fluro  Pseudomonas fluorescence  Foliar: 2.5 ml/lit 
Geolife Recover Nutri   Natural extracts & antioxidants  Foliar: 0.5 – 1 gm/lit 


Chemical Management 
Karathane Gold  Meptyldinocap 35.7% EC  0.7 ml/lit 
Contaf Plus  Hexaconazole 5 % SC  2 ml/ lit 
Saaf fungicide  Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP  1.5 g/ lit 
Merivon fungicide  Fluxapyroxad 250 G/L + Pyraclostrobin 250 G/L SC  0.4 ml/lit 
Plant growth boosters 
Multiplex Sulphur Liquid fertilizer  Sulphur 20%   2.5 ml/l 
Amibion Flower Booster  Amino Acids & Peptides Mixture  1 – 2 ml/lit 

(Note:Multiplex Sulphur Liquid fertilizer are not compatible with all pesticides and fungicides) 

  1. Mango malformation

Causal organism: Fusarium moliliforme var. subglutinans 


  • Affected floral buds are transformed into vegetative buds with large number of small leaves 
  • It gives an appearance of ‘witches broom’ 
  • Affected flower buds do not open and remain dull green 

Favourable conditions for mango malformation incidence in Mango flower: 

Presence of infected plant material, mango bud mite infestation, moist weather conditions favours development of this disease.  

Management of mango malformation in mango flower: 

Application – Depending upon disease seriousness and mite infestation, spray with 15 – 18 days interval from pre-blossom stage 

Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre) 
Biological management 
Sun Bio Bacil Fungicide    Bacillus subtilis  Foliar: 5 ml/lit 
Multiplex Nisarga  Trichoderma viride  Foliar: 1ml/lit or 3 g/lit 
Chemical Management 
Avtar Fungicide  Zineb 68% + Hexaconazole 4%  2-2.5 gm/liter 
Indofil M-45 fungicide  Mancozeb 75% WP  600-800gm/acre 
Benmain Fungicide  Carbendazim 50% DF  2 gm/lit 
Oberon Insecticide (To control mites)  Spiromesifen 240 SC (22.9 % w/w)  0.3 ml/liter 
Plant growth boosters 
Katyayani Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid  Katyayani NAA – Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5% SL  0.3 ml/lit 
Greenpeace Gulf Micronutrient  Sulfur 80% 


1 – 1.5 ml/lit 
Planofix Plant Growth regulator  Alpha Naphthyl Acetic Acid 4.5 SL (4.5% w/w) 
  • 0.4ml/liter water (10 ppm) 
  • 0.8ml/liter water (100 ppm) 



  1. Anthracnose

Causal organism: Collectotrichum gloeosporioides  


  • Causes ‘blossom blight’ in mango 
  • Black minute spots appear on the floral parts 
  • Infected floral parts shed off leading to partial or complete de-blossoming 

Favourable conditions for Anthracnose incidence in mango flower: 

High humidity (95-97%), temperature of 25°C and frequent rainfall favours development of anthracnose disease.  

Management of Anthracnose in mango flower: 

Application – Spray at 15 days interval during flowering to control blossom infection. 

Product name  Technical content   Dosage (per acre or per lit water) 
Biological management 
Amruth Almonas Liquid (Bio fungicide)  Pseudomonas fluorescence  2 – 5 ml/lit 


Sun Bio Monus    Pseudomonas fluorescence  Foliar: 5 ml/lit 
Chemical management 
Cuprina Fungicide  Copper Oxychloride 50% WG  1 gm/lit water 
Turf fungicide  Carbendazim 12 % + Mancozeb 63 % WP  1.5-2.5 gm/lit water 
Companion fungicide  Mancozeb 63% + Carbendazim 12% WP 


1.5 gm/lit 
Sixer fungicide  Mancozeb 63% WP  2 gm/lit 
Plant growth boosters 
Anshul Phalmax  Bio-organics and traces of micronutrients  2ml/lit 
Multiplex Kranti Micronutrient fertilizer  Major, Secondary and Micronutrients  2 to 2.5 ml/lit  
Wetting agent 
Anshul Stickmax  

(Used along with Multiplex Kranti micronutrient fertilizer) 

Contains Spreading, wetting and sticking agent  1 ml/lit 

(NOTE: Though Plant growth enhancers are compatible with most pesticides and fungicides, it is suggested for individual application to have good result) 


  • Pest and disease should be controlled in Mango during Flower Emergence to Full Bloom stage by using pesticides and fungicides 
  • If not controlled at this stage, it will wipe off all the flowers and fruits in the tree 
  • Foliar fertilizer and growth enhancer/growth boosters can also be used in every 7 – 10 days  
  • Pesticides and fungicides should not be sprayed during Full Bloom stage since pollination by insects will get affected at this time. 

Enhance your mango farming success with our strategies. Read more in [Blooming Success: Strategies for Managing Mango Flowers to Boost Yields]

Note: The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed to be financial or legal advice. Pesticides are a considerable risk of loss in crops and viewers are advised to do their own research before making any decisions.

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