Mahalakshmi S

Organic Control Measures to Manage Powdery Mildew in Tomato Crop

Tomato powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that affects tomato plants, especially in greenhouses and high tunnels. It reduces the photosynthetic activity and yield of the plants and that causes 10 to 90 percent yield losses in tomatoes....

Organic Control Measures to Manage Septoria Leaf Spot in Tomato Crop

Septoria leaf spot disease, also called Septoria blight, occurs throughout the world wherever tomatoes are grown. This disease can be quite damaging and crop losses of up to 100% have been reported in heavily defoliated crop fields. In favorable...

Organic Control Measures to Manage Late Blight in Tomato Crop

Tomato late blight is a devastating disease of tomato and potato plants, caused by Phytophthora infestans. It can cause severe crop losses and was responsible for the Irish potato famine in the mid-1800s. The disease was first described in...

Organic Control Measures to Manage Early blight in Tomato Crop

Fungal leaf blight called early blight often infects tomato plants. This disease can reduce the annual income from tomato crops by up to 79% in some cases. Early blight also attacks other plants in the tomato family, such as...

Organic Control Measures to Manage Bacterial Speck Disease in Tomato

Bacterial speck is a common tomato disease that occurs worldwide wherever tomatoes are cultivated.  The disease can gradually reduce yield when it severely affects leaves of plants early in the growing season.  The disease has a greater impact on...

Disease Management in Banana Crop using UAL Organic Based Products

Banana is a major fruit crop that is grown for commercial purposes in many countries around the world. It is a staple food and a dessert in some parts of the world. It is also a key source of...

Disease Management in Sugarcane Crop using UAL Organic Based Products

Sugarcane is not only a cash crop for the growers, but it is the main source of white crystal sugar. Many constraints affecting sugarcane production lead to severe loss. Among the various constraints diseases caused by fungal, bacterial, viral...

Pest Management in Sugarcane Crop using UAL Organic Based Products

Sugarcane grows for a long period of 10-12 months and is therefore susceptible to many insect attacks. Insect infestation can lower sugarcane yield by 20-25%, as per an estimate. More than 200 insects can damage sugarcane, such as Early...

Disease Management in Chilli Crop using UAL Organic Based Products

Chilli originated in South America but India is the world’s top producer, consumer, and exporter of chillies. Other major chili-producing countries are China, Thailand, Ethiopia, and Indonesia. Chili plants are affected by various diseases, such as Damping off, Cercospora...

Pest Management in Chilli Crop using UAL Organic Based Products

Chilli is a multifunctional crop that has many uses, such as food, medicine, and seasoning. However, its production is hampered by insect pests that reduce the yield. Thrips, mites, caterpillars, and whiteflies infest the chilli plants from the seedling...

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