Mohit J

Everything You Need to Know About Top Farming Business Ideas in India 2024

Farming is an integral part of our lives. Farmers can use this importance and come up with some profitable agriculture business ideas to get benefits. Agriculture-related business is one of the fastest-growing businesses in the Indian market.

Jan Aadhaar Card Yojana

The Jan Aadhaar Card Yojana by the Rajasthan Government is the new upgrade on the old Bhamshah card announced by the previous government. This Jan Aadhaar Card Yojana uses the biodata of the card holders to unify the identity of all citizens of the state.

India International Horti Expo 2023 – An exhibition to help farmers to understand and leverage the potential of horticulture

The India International Horti Expo is a global exhibition for horticulture along with processing technology and floricultural production. It will also address the ornament aspect of landscaping and horticulture to help farmers produce more herbs, fruits, flowers, vegetables and...

Agri Vision – 2023 – A conference to resolve agricultural challenges and increase farmers’ income

The Agri-Vision 2023 conference will focus on the vital agricultural sectors and talk about various challenges and problems that the modern-day agricultural system has. It will also throw light on ways to resolve the problems through omics technologies, other...

7th Farm Tech Asia – A conference to unlock solutions for growth in agriculture

The 7th Farm Tech Asia 2023, is a conference organized by the Brahmani Events & Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd. It is a global conference and exhibition on livestock, dairy and the agriculture industry. It will highlight the new technologies such...

Early Detection and Management of Papaya Ring Spot Virus

Ringspot virus is one of the most destructive infections which is mainly spread by mechanical activities through the sap.

How To Control Gemini Virus or Leaf Curl Virus in Chilli Crops?

Leaf curl virus or geminivirus is a common microbe attacking crops such as chilli that cause major damage to the plants and their yield. They can be controlled via cultural practices and preventive measures.

Protecting Gourd Crops from Downy Mildew for Increased Yield

Downy mildew is a type of fungal disease caused by water mould. This fungus can attack a variety of plants, specifically gourd crops. The affected plants could potentially cause economic loss to the farmers.

Brinjal Shoot And Fruit Borer Management For Better Profit Margins

The brinjal fruit and shoot borer is a common pest affecting the fruits and causing damage to up to 30-50% of the fruits. The eggs of this pest will be white, larvae pink, pups look greyish and the adult pest appears black and brown with white dots.

Solutions That Really Work In Controlling Tuta Absoluta In Tomato Crops

Tuta absoluta is a highly damaging pest on tomato plants that affect their food production. It is also known as the South American tomato pinworm and tomato leafminer. In this growing concern regarding its infestation, it is necessary to identify the most effective measures to tackle this issue and improve crop production.

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